What We Offer
Job shop machining to customer specification ranging from 1 unit to 10 units is our specialty. With extensive 3+2 axis machining capabilities, CNC control, and MasterCam software we machine components to exact specifications with tight tolerances of up to +/- 0.0002".
Parts made from steel and cast iron comprise the majority or our work, however we also machine aluminum, brass, bronze, and stainless steel in our vertical machining operations.
Processes (General Capabilities)
- Boring
- Drilling
- Milling
Processes (Threading)
- Tapping
- Thread Milling
Additional Capabilities
- CAM Programming Service
Intended Application
- Gas Turbine
Production Volume
- Min - 1 prototype - 1 unit
- Max - 5 prototypes - 10 units
- Prototype
- Short Run
Equipment Capabilities
- 3+2 Axis Machining Capabilities
- CNC Control Capabilities
Vertical Machining Capabilities
Automation Capabilities
- Continuous Machining
File Formats
- DXF - Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format
- IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, ANSI file format.
- PDF - Portable Document Format
- STEP - Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data
- TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
Max Part Dimension
- 45’
- 17’
- 10’
- Large Part Machining
Max Part Weight
- 120 tons/240,000 lbs
Tolerance (+/-)
- Boring: ±0.0002 inch
- Milling: ±0.0002 inch
- Precision
- Tight Tolerance
Equipment List
Henri Line Heavy Duty Gantry Promill
3+2 Axis – Single Setup – 5 Sided Capability480’’ X 204’’ Y 120’’ Z
Vertical Bridge Mill Mitsubishi MVR35
3+2 Axis – Single Setup – 5 Sided Capability244'' X 128'' Y 60'' Z
Materials We Work With
Lincoln Park Boring Co can provide extra large part vertical manufacturing services while working with a vast line of materials. We specialize in large part machining services using the highest quality of steel alloys and specialty materials.
Industries Served
Our wide range of machining services are here to meet your needs. We can turn your Electronic or Print Drawing into a complete part or provide you with one or a combination of our services. With Over 55 years of experience we know how to deliver quality work on time.