What We Offer
Our Bullard vertical turning equipment allows us to produce large round components from a variety of metals including carbon steel, iron, aluminum, and stainless steel. All components are fabricated to exacting tolerances of up to +/- 0.0005”.
Processes (General Capabilities)
- Vertical Turning
Processes (Threading)
- Thread Milling
Production Volume
- Min - 1 prototype - 1 unit
- Max - 5 prototypes - 20 units
- Prototype
- Short Run
Vertical Turning Lathe Capabilities
File Formats
- DXF - Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format
- IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, ANSI file format.
- PDF - Portable Document Format
- STEP - Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data
- TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
Max Part Dimension
- 142’’ Diameter
Max Part Weight
- 30 Tons
Tolerance (+/-)
- Precision
- Tight Tolerance
Equipment List
Giddings & Lewis VTC1600
- 78’’ Diameter swing, 78’’ under cross rail
Bullard 124’’
- 142’’ Diameter swing, 128’’ under cross rail
Bullard 72’’
- 78’’ Diameter swing, 60’’ under cross rail
Materials We Work With
Lincoln Park Boring Co has provided vertical large part lathe machining while working with a vast line of materials. We specialize in large part machining services using the highest quality of steel alloys and specialty materials.
Industries Served
For over 60 years Lincoln Park Boring Co has provided heavy precision machining and large custom manufacturing services for a variety of industries. Our experinced staff has the industry knowledge to work with you to manufacturer custom precision machined components that will meet exact requirements.